Andre Agassi is a man of many accomplishments. He’s a Nike-sponsored sneakerhead. He’s been married to both Steffi Graf and supermodel Brooke Shields. And, oh yeah, he’s one of the greatest professional tennis players of all time, winning eight Grand Slams, plus the Masters Cup, over the course of his twenty-year career.
Aside from all that though, Agassi’s also got one of the most distinctive domes in the history of the sport. From this early mullet to his unfortunate hairpiece to his Mr. Clean-inspired shaved-head-and-earring combo, the man has tried it all. Sixteen years since his last U.S. Open win, we’re here to break down a few of the lessons in hair that Agassi has taught us both on and off the court.
1. Take Notes
In this world, there will always be those that came before us, full to the brim with solid advice on how to be a total badass. Agassi learned this young, whilst bro-ing out with tennis—and grooming—greats like Björn Borg. Likewise, find mentors of your own, and take all the pointers you can get. As they say, knowledge is power.
2. Take Risks
Business in the front, party in the back; the mullet’s a bold move any way you cut it. Now, we’re by no means saying to go for broke and copy Andre’s choice of cut exactly (in fact, for the love of all that is holy, please don’t) but there is something to be said for a bit of daring. That might mean going for an undercut or, alternatively, a man bun. And once the play is made, just remember: confidence is key.
3. Beware the Neckbeard
If you happen to be a guy with a healthy dose of chest hair, more power to you. The trouble starts when you forget to set a dividing line for where the sweater vest ends and your beard begins. (Agassi often missed that memo.) So invest in a solid electric razor designed for collarbones and other odd angles, like this Philips Norelco number, and take care of that shit, STAT.
4. When It Starts to Thin, Cut It Short
The fact is that by age 35, two-thirds of American men will be losing their hair in one way or another. For Agassi, it happened over a decade before that and, after a bit of a rough patch, he decided to do what any respectable man in his scenario would: he buzzed it close and never looked back. Keep that in mind when push comes to shove.
5. Embrace the Bald
When the situation up top gets truly dire, there’s really no better solution than to shave. (Plus, just think of all the money you’ll save on shampoo.) Your toolkit: a fresh razor, a good lather and a solid head-specific aftershave. Oh, and an [SPF-infused moisturizer] ( for your newly exposed scalp probably wouldn’t hurt either.
6. It’s All About Balance
Lacking up top? Think about growing something on your jaw—be it stubble, a beard, what have you—to help to take unwanted attention away from your shiny crown. (A supermodel on your arm wouldn’t hurt either.)
7. Don’t Wear a Toupee (Or Acid-Washed Denim Tennis Shorts)
Resist the urge to go big with a wig. Agassi gets a pass because it was the '80s, you do not have such an excuse.
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