If you’ve lately found yourself wondering how to stretch your tense, aching body, you’re not alone. One thing we’ve learned after weeks and weeks of coronavirus life is that being cooped up in one place is, weirdly, physically hard. There are some obvious culprits: You might be working long days, sitting in a dining chair that you bought more for its midcentury good looks than ergonomics. (Anyone else?)
More than that, though, is the fact that ambient anxiety expresses itself physically. It’s a stressful time, and when stress builds up, it can have a slew of negative effects, ranging from increased muscular inflammation to the shoulder and back pain that’s a natural consequence of tense muscles.
The good news is that this works in reverse: Addressing the physical side of things is a great way to feel better mentally. “When you stretch, your brain produces endorphins that help you to relax,” says Jeff Brannigan, program director at Stretch*d, a dedicated stretching studio in New York. Of course, “when done correctly, it can also help to promote circulation, which eases muscle and joint pain in the targeted area.”
Now, the science of how to stretch has come a long way since you were doing 10-counts at the start of gym class. Static stretching, where you assume an uncomfortable position and try to stay still, is totally out. So is thinking of stretching to prevent injury when you’re actually working out—that’s been thoroughly debunked. The new wave is stretching with active movements, as more of a standalone workout than a warm-up or cool-down.
Ready to try it? We asked Brannigan to put together a quick 10-minute dynamic stretching routine to help ease stress and muscle tension throughout the body. Do 10 controlled 2-to-3-second reps of each movement per side and tell us you don’t feel just a bit better.
1. Maybe & Maybe SoThis pair of movements targets the sternocleidomastoid and extensors in the neck, the muscles that stabilize your head. “Many of us have a hard time keeping the shoulders low and relaxed—that's only going to get worse when you're stressed,” says Brannigan. “This works on muscles in the neck but will also help to relieve tension in the head, shoulders, and back.”
The move: Start sitting with your feet flat on the ground, gazing forward as normal. Starting with the right side, gently lower your right ear down to your right shoulder, placing your right hand over the head on the left side, and assisting the push down toward your right shoulder. Release head back to start for one rep. Repeat on the opposite side.
Next, turn the head to the right 45 degrees. Then bring your left ear down toward your left armpit, using your left hand for the assist. Release head back to start for one rep. Repeat on the opposite side.
2. Trap TapperBecause it targets the trapezius, the large muscle that connects your neck, shoulders, and upper back, this one is an effective one-two punch with Maybe & Maybe So.
The move: Start sitting with your feet flat on the ground, gazing forward. Bend your right arm, placing your right hand on your left shoulder. Using the left hand, push your right elbow in and up, closer to your body, extending your right fingertips further down your trap. Release once you feel tension build in your shoulder and repeat.
3. Twist and DipperHere you’re going to be working your quadratus lumborum, a deep abdominal muscle. “This is often the culprit for a lot of back pain,” says Brannigan. If it’s loosened up, “it will also help you stand more upright and free up tension in your hips.”
The move: Start sitting with your feet flat on the ground. Interlace your fingers and bring your hands behind the head. Keeping your elbows up, twist as far as you can toward the right direction. Then drop your left elbow down and outside the right knee, hinging forward. Reset back to start for one rep.
4. Cross Over“If you've ever dealt with sciatica or IT band issues, you should make this stretch part of your daily routine,” says Brannigan. It targets the piriformis, a deep gluteal muscle.
The move: Start sitting with your feet flat on the ground, gazing forward as normal. Cross your left foot over your right knee, creating a figure four shape. Engage the glute, then use your right hand to apply slight pressure onto the left knee for one rep. Reset by releasing the pressure and slightly lifting the left knee before going into your next rep.
5. Hello HammiesDon’t neglect your hamstrings! “Tight hamstrings can lead to poor mechanics while walking and exercising, along with pain in knee, hip, and back,” says Brannigan.
The move: Start lying on your back. Place your right foot on the floor, and loop a yoga strap or a towel around the arch of your left foot. This foot should be starting with a 90-degree bend at both the hip and knee. Holding the strap or towel with both hands, raise your left foot up as straight as you can get it. Lower back down to that starting 90-degree angle for one rep.
6. Smooth Walker“The lower leg, foot, and ankle are some of the more neglected areas of the body,” says Brannigan. “They can get tense just like anywhere else.” This stretch targets the gastrocnemius, a muscle at the top of your calf, but working it can relieve tension all the way from the tips of your toes.
The move: Start by lying on your back. Place a yoga strap or towel around the arch of your left foot. Lift your leg about 45 degrees off the floor, then flex your ankle to bring the toes toward your face (you can use the strap to gently assist this movement). Bring foot back to neutral for one rep; repeat.
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